Freedom Scope
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Freedom Scope -  Wireless Stethoscope


  Images of Freedomscope Wireless Stethoscope Freedomscope, the world's first wireless medical stethoscope, is the new standard of care for physicians, nurses and health care providers. Since the days of Hippocrates, auscultation has been the cornerstone of doctor's assessment for over 2000 years. Patented Freedomscope brings the next standard of care to the medical profession with wireless technology and will become

the stethoscope of choice for a new generation of doctors, nurses, paramedics, EMT's and other health care professionals.


It is expected that Freedomscope Wireless Stethoscope will enter production in Mid-2016. To learn more Freedomscope and its role in the future of auscultation, see the links below.

Physicians' Wireless Stethoscope | Paramedics/EMTs | Continuous Precordial Auscultation During Anesthesia | Wireless Stethoscope for the Hearing Impaired
Hearing Loss | World Trade Center | Military Medical Environment
Hippocrates, Rene Laennec, and the History of Stethoscope
Nuclear Disaster | Sarin Mustard Gas | Avian Flu Pandemic
Join our Email Notification List | Telemedicine | The 4-Trillion Dollar Healthcare Industry



Physicians, Paramedics, and Anesthesiologists; Continuous Wireless Auscultation under Anesthesia

Hearing Disabled, Health Care Provider, WTC, Nuclear Provider

Response Team, Bird Flu, History


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